We offer a variety of CEUs APPROVED by the Massachusetts Department of Agriculture for MA Applicators. Below you can see the courses that we offer and you can click on them to learn more. CEUs are available to purchase individually or in a bundle.
Massachusetts Applicator Recertification - Pest Control Courses - CEUs
Choose Your CEU Or CEU Bundle
CEU Pricing: $15 each

Applicator Recertification Requirements
Applicator Recertification Requirements
All pesticide applicators and Licensed Dealers are required to accumulate these contact hours every (3) three years. The number of contact hours required is as follows:
- Dealer License – 3 hrs.
- Commercial Applicator License – 6 hrs.
- Private Certification – 12 hrs. (per category)
- Commercial Certification – 12 hrs. (per category)
At the end of your three year cycle you may be audited to verify that you have attended approved continuing education. If you do not attend the required number of contact hours you will not be able to renew your license or certification. In order to obtain a future license you would have to take the necessary exam(s) again.
Get Our 12 Contact Hour Bundle!
OnlinePestControlCourses.com is proud to work with the United States Department of Agriculture, Massachusetts Department of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency and the State of MA to provide APPROVED RECERTIFICATION COURSES for applicators.