Michigan Applicator Recertification - Pest Control Courses - CEUs

We offer a variety of CEUs APPROVED by the Michigan Department of Agriculture for Michigan Applicators. Below you can see the courses that we offer and you can click on them to learn more. CEUs are available to purchase individually or in a bundle.

Choose Your CEU Or CEU Bundle

6 CEU Bundle Includes: 6 Core

  • Application of Federal Laws to Safety Concerns
  • Pesticide Movement in the Environment
  • Pesticide Formulations
  • Pesticide Label
  • Pesticide Application: Hazards and First Aid

  • IPM Approach to Mosquito Control

Limited Time Offer! Only $90 $75!

Discount price will expire.

CEU Pricing: $15 each

Exterminator OnlinePestControlCourses

Applicator Recertification CEU Requirements

  • 3 Year Certification/registration period (prior to expiration)
  • Seminar credits are core or category specific.
  • The number of credits required for an applicator to recertify all or part of their credential is listed below:
Private Core 16
Commercial Core 8 8
Commercial Category (each) 8
Registered Core 8
Registered Category (each) 8
Standards (Aerial/Fumigation)


Purchase our 6 CEU Bundle Today!

OnlinePestControlCourses.com is proud to work with the United States Department of Agriculture, Michigan Department of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Michigan to provide APPROVED RECERTIFICATION COURSES for applicators.

USA Dept of Agriculture
Michigan Department of Agriculture Logo
Michigan Department of Agriculture Logo