Pesticide Application: Hazards and First Aid

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Pesticide Application: Hazards and First Aid
Welcome to this CEU on Pesticide Application: Hazards and First Aid. In this course, you will gain introductory knowledge on the hazards of pesticide application misuse as well as basic first aid methods to be used if exposed to harmful chemicals. Go ahead and get started!
Learning Objectives:
The following is a list of the key points to be discussed within this course.
- Know how to identify and differentiate between types of harmful effects (i.e., acute, delayed, allergic, chronic) associated with pesticide application.
- Understand the hazard level classification system for pesticides, including the associated signal words.
- Know how to identify common exposure routes for various pesticides and application methods.
- Know how to recognize typical symptoms of pesticide exposure in humans and be aware of the appropriate first-aid response.
- Know how to identify other health risks that may occur during pesticide application (e.g., heat stress) and know when to give first aid
Oklahoma Course Approval
Course | Course Number | CEUs |
Pesticide Application: Hazards and First Aid | OK20210090 | 1 CEU in ALL |
Welcome to this CEU on Pesticide Application: Hazards and First Aid. My name is Tyler Pettis, director of training at Online Pest Control Courses. As you make your way through the course, be sure to take notes on each section, as there will be a comprehensive exam at the end. Good Luck!

Tyler Pettis - Director of Training
CEU Pricing: $15 each

Each category recertifies on a five (5) year schedule -
- Not based on the date the individual was certified.
- All certified applicators in any category are on the same five (5) year schedule, e.g. 2010 through 2015, 2011 through 2016, etc. is proud to work with the United States Department of Agriculture, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Oklahoma to provide APPROVED RECERTIFICATION COURSES for applicators.